Source code for pytest_play.plugin

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import uuid            # pragma: no cover
import yaml            # pragma: no cover
import os              # pragma: no cover
import re              # pragma: no cover
import pytest          # pragma: no cover
from _pytest import fixtures      # pragma: no cover
from _pytest.fixtures import (    # pragma: no cover
from _pytest.python import (  # pragma: no cover
from collections import namedtuple  # pragma: no cover
from pytest_play.config import (  # pragma: no cover

[docs]def pytest_addoption(parser): """ :param parser: :return: """ if STATSD is True: if not PYTEST_STATSD: group = parser.getgroup('terminal reporting') group.addoption( '--stats-d', action='store_true', help='send test results to graphite') group.addoption( '--stats-host', action='store', dest='stats_host', metavar='host', default='localhost', help='statsd host. default is \'localhost\'') group.addoption( '--stats-port', action='store', dest='stats_port', metavar='port', default=8125, help='statsd port. default is 8125') group.addoption( '--stats-prefix', action='store', dest='stats_prefix', metavar='prefix', default=None, help='prefix to give all stats')
def get_marker(node, name): try: marker = node.get_closest_marker(name) except AttributeError: # backwards compatibility with old pytest versions marker = node.get_marker(name) return marker
[docs]def pytest_collect_file(parent, path): """ Collect test_XXX.yml files """ if path.ext in(".yaml", ".yml") and path.basename.startswith("test_"): return YAMLFile(path.strpath, parent=parent)
[docs]class YAMLFile(pytest.File): def _add_markers(self, yml_item, markers): for marker in markers: if get_marker(self, marker) is None: self.session.config.addinivalue_line( "markers", "{}: {}".format( marker, 'dynamic marker')) yml_item.add_marker(marker)
[docs] def collect(self): values = [] test_data = [] markers = [] metadata = None with open(self.fspath, 'r') as yaml_file: documents = list(yaml.safe_load_all(yaml_file)) len_documents = len(documents) assert len_documents <= 2 if len_documents > 1: metadata = documents[0] if metadata: # a pytest-play metadata exists for the given item markers = [marker for marker in metadata.get( 'markers', []) if marker] test_data = metadata.get('test_data', None) def funcobj(): pass def pfuncobj(test_data): pass parametrized_funcobj = pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_data", test_data)(pfuncobj) if not test_data: func = funcobj else: func = parametrized_funcobj res = self._makeitem(self.nodeid, func) if not isinstance(res, list): res = [res] values.extend(res) if markers: for item in values: self._add_markers(item, markers) values.sort(key=lambda item: item.reportinfo()[:2]) return values
def _makeitem(self, name, obj): return self.ihook.pytest_pycollect_makeitem( collector=self, name=name, obj=obj) def istestfunction(self, obj, name): return True def _genfunctions(self, name, funcobj): fm = self.session._fixturemanager cls = None definition = FunctionDefinition( self.nodeid, parent=self, callobj=funcobj) fixtureinfo = fm.getfixtureinfo(definition, funcobj, cls) metafunc = Metafunc( definition, fixtureinfo, self.config, cls=cls, module=None) self.ihook.pytest_generate_tests(metafunc=metafunc) if not metafunc._calls: yield YAMLItem(name, parent=self) else: # add funcargs() as fixturedefs to fixtureinfo.arg2fixturedefs fixtures.add_funcarg_pseudo_fixture_def(self, metafunc, fm) fixtureinfo.prune_dependency_tree() for callspec in metafunc._calls: subname = "%s[%s]" % (name, yield YAMLItem( subname, parent=self, callspec=callspec, keywords={ True}, originalname=name)
[docs]class YAMLItem(pytest.Item): def __init__( self, name, parent=None, config=None, session=None, nodeid=None, callspec=None, keywords=None, originalname=None): super(YAMLItem, self).__init__( name, parent=parent, config=config, session=session, nodeid=nodeid) self.path = getattr(parent.fspath, 'strpath') = None self.raw_data = None self.test_data = {} self.keywords = {} if callspec is not None: self.callspec = callspec self.test_data = callspec.params.get('test_data', {}) for mark in callspec.marks: self.keywords[] = mark if keywords: self.keywords.update(keywords) self.originalname = originalname # not working with callobj, to investigate self.obj = self self.funcargs = {} def __call__(self): pass @property def module(self): """ Needed for Taurus/bzt/BlazeMeter compatibility See """ return namedtuple( re.sub(r'\W|^(?=\d)', '_', os.path.basename(self.path)), []) def setup(self): super(YAMLItem, self).setup() fixtures.fillfixtures(self) self._setup_play() self._setup_raw_data() def _setup_play(self): = self._request.getfixturevalue('play') def _setup_raw_data(self): self.raw_data = and self.path) def runtest(self): data =, extra_variables=self.test_data)
[docs]@pytest.fixture def play_engine_class(): """ Play engine class class """ from .engine import PlayEngine return PlayEngine
[docs]@pytest.fixture def play(request, play_engine_class, variables): """ How to use yml_executor:: def test_experimental(play): data = play.get_file_contents( '/my/path/etc', 'login.yml') play.execute_raw(data) """ context = None skin = None try: bdd_vars = request.getfixturevalue('bdd_vars') context = bdd_vars.copy() skin = request.getfixturevalue('skin') except FixtureLookupError: context = context is not None and context or { 'test_run_identifier': "QA-{0}".format(str(uuid.uuid1()))} skin = skin is not None and skin or 'skin1' if 'pytest-play' in variables: for name, value in variables['pytest-play'].items(): context[name] = value if 'skins' in variables and skin is not None: skin_settings = variables['skins'][skin] if 'base_url' in skin_settings: context['base_url'] = skin_settings['base_url'] if 'credentials' in skin_settings: for credential_name, credential_settings in \ skin_settings['credentials'].items(): username_key = "{0}_name".format(credential_name) password_key = "{0}_pwd".format(credential_name) context[username_key] = credential_settings['username'] context[password_key] = credential_settings['password'] play = play_engine_class(request, context) yield play play.teardown()